First UMC Oak Park IL Collage Contemporary Worship

Let's Do Life Together

Getting involved is one of the ways that we give back to God and the community as we grow in relationship with one another.  We would love to welcome you in one of these areas:


Worship leadership:  greeters, ushers, worship team members including music ministry and A/V Tech support.  


Children's ministry: Sunday school teachers and family ministry support (food, prayer, craft organizers, etc.), drivers for faith adventures


Christian Education or Small Group: joining a Christian Education class or small group around a hobby or interest.

We offer Bible studies that allow a deep dive into the Scriptures.  We also have book studies that are based on faith-based topics of interest to participants.

A great place to get started is our Alpha course that offers a safe space to explore the basic elements of faith.  Click "Alpha" for more information if this might be your next or first step. 


Outreach:  sending notes or postcards to new residents, those we have been missing, especially since Covid, or our visitors and guests;  joining the pastor in "taking the church out of the church and into the community" to local events and gatherings; sharing our ministry beyond the walls of the church


Action:  helping register to vote; speaking at public events; being a docent or on the welcome team for public events at the church; supporting advocacy initiatives with our Justice or Missions Teams


Interested in lending your time and talent in some other way not mentioned here? Please reach out to us at or the pastor at  We'd love to hear about it.

Next Steps

If you want to know more...

Reverend Reid looks forward to conversations over coffee or tea so much, that we have incorporated this into our path for people interested in taking a next step.  Conversation can happen without meeting in person, too.  Please email her with your interest and availability and let's get the conversation started.  Her email is